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The Kendrick Brothers Announce New Movie Coming 2019

The Kendrick brothers are pioneers in the Christian movie industry. Alex and Stephen Kendrick have not only encouraged millions of Christians around the world with their many films, but they’ve broken box-office records while were at it! Ever since their latest movie, War Room, left theaters in 2015, audiences have been patiently awaiting the next movie.

When’s the next movie going to be? We now have an answer.

On their website, the Kendrick brothers recently announced their latest film. Details are scarce. We don’t yet know the title, theme, or synopsis, but we do know a few things.

As with their previous films, the duo (now trio with the addition of Shannon Kendrick) started seeking God’s guidance months before they made the decision of where to go with the next movie. In the blog post, they say that after a season of prayer, the Lord “has given [them] clear direction concerning the plot for [their] next movie.”

Each one of the Kendrick brothers’ films so far have had a specific message to Christians. For example, Fireproof‘s theme was marriage. The theme of Courageous was fatherhood. War Room, the 2015 box office phenominon, focused on prayer. The clear messages of these films have the potential to convict Christians and encourage them to reinvigorate their walk with God. While the blog post didn’t give away what the theme of the next movie will be, it did say that it will be “a pivotal issue in the life of students and adults alike” (which honestly doesn’t say much, but at least we can rule out motherhood).

The team is currently working on the script for the film and other aspects of pre-production. It’s their goal to start filming later this year and release the film in the fall of 2019.

Many have criticized the Kendrick brothers for “preaching to the choir.” Their response is always quite simple: so what? There’s certainly a place for evangelistic Christian films, but it’s also increasingly important for Christians to encourage each other, challenge each other, and spur each other on in the faith. If that’s labeled as “preaching to the choir,” so be it!

If there’s one thing the film-makers have right, it’s the need for prayer. In their post, they urge Christians to pray for them as they go through the movie-making process.

Pray for His blessing, favor, protection, and power to be on this project from beginning to end. And ask Him to strategically use this movie to transform countless lives, restore broken families, and greatly impact the nations for His glory.

Are you excited about seeing another Kendrick Brothers movie in theaters? What do you think the theme of their next movie is going to be? Let me know in the comments – I’d love to discuss it with you.
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